Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now: 11/30/15

       Thanksgiving is all about spending quality time with the ones who have made a positive impact in your life. Those people happen to include my family. My family, regardless of the things I've done, have always stuck by my side. Through times of dreary, my family has, and always will be my rock. I am incredibly grateful, for they are the ones I turn to when things are sweet or even turn sour.
       Since I've been brought into this world, my parents have done everything in their power to support my brother and I. They used each fiber in their body to set a foundation for our family. Whether it were the cooking, cleaning, working, our parents were there. Mr. and Mrs. Cangialosi are not ones to quit nor give up on their duties. I am thankful to have two parents that treat my brother and I with the love and care we need. 
        My parents are not the only ones who've provided, for my brother also plays a major part in how we pay for the bills. With my brother's kind heart, he is willing to sacrifice his paychecks, in order to assist my mom in paying the bills. Without this gracious gesture, who knows where our family would be. My brother also devotes his time to helping our father outside with the yard work. Not only does my brother assist my parents, but he also helps myself. Through my darkest, most sinister hours, my brother was/is always there. He provides me with the best advice anyone could plead for. 

Bonus: I am thankful for dog. He may not speak, but he's still an addition to the family. Animals, specially dogs, become a huge part of one's family. We all become attached, that even their losses strike us like the deaths of humans.  

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