Friday, December 18, 2015

Hackers threaten to bring down Xbox and PlayStation networks on Christmas

The hacker group, known as the "Phantom Squad", have been tweeting about their plans to take down the PlayStationNetwork and XboxLive. What motivated them to take down PlayStation and Xbox was to prove that Microsoft and Sony don't pay enough heed towards cyber security. CNNMoney attempted to reach out to the "Phantom Squad" but they did not re-sieve a response. This is not the only time PlayStationNetwork have been bombarded with such claims. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bookmarking Project Questions

  1. 1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
  2.     Answer: Another way one could organize his/her files is by creating new folders. Each folder obtains a separate topic or subject.
  4. 2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now     about those current events that you didn’t know before?
  5.     Answer: From researching the topics above, I learned how schools are taking ignition to bring bullying to an end. Also, I was able to learn more about sports. 

  6. 3. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  7.     Answer: Other social bookmarking apps/websites, aside from Diigo, that work efficiently are, Livebinders,, and Pinterest. 

                        4. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
                            Answer: If the opportunity were to appear once more, I would most likely use social                                           bookmarking. 


Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now: Writing Prompt (cloak)

   If I were to be chosen to wear an invisible cloak for one day to perform a good deed, I would eavesdrop on potential criminals to see what they're converting or planning. Once I've gathered enough information, I would inform the police department. Majority of the time, police officers aren't able to gather such an excessive amount of information without being caught. However, with the invisible cloak, one would not have worry on such a matter. This could potentially save the lives of many, depending on how dark or sinister the criminal's plans are. 
   If given the opportunity, I would also enjoy assisting those who are being physically abused. It saddens me how physical abuse continues to grow each day. Hence as to why this trail must come to an end! With the invisible cloak, I could give these cruel monsters a piece of my mind! And who will believe them when they say and invisible force attacked them? It is important for these sinister beings to acknowledge the pain that they're afflicting onto others. What better way than to feed these creatures the taste of their own medicine, right? 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Writing Prompt (new class)

    If I were a teacher, I would instruct a self-defense class. Self-Defense is crucial to one’s safety! This class allows one to defend themselves from the physical abuse of others. Whether it's in the streets, at home, or even on school grounds, self-defense is needed. Without it, one may not be able to protect themselves from unstoppable forces.
  The class will meet after school and are expected to behave in decorum. Fooling around and obstreperous behavior will not be permitted! Students will be provided with work out gear and other instruments needed for the class. We will go over simple techniques on how to approach and act in such a situation. However, as the school year ensues, the class will become more difficult. Over the course of the year, progression in the students will show by the increase in self-esteem, motivation, and coordination.

Friday, December 4, 2015

RSS Discussion Questions

  1. 1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
  2.     A: For my personal folder, I selected cooking, fashion, poetry, and inspirational quotes blogs because, each of these appeal to me. I enjoy cooking and creating new recipes and my personality shines through my fashion. When having a bad day, I turn to poetry and search through inspirational quotes. Both have the power to turn, once a sour day, sweet. I also selected those sites for my government and news files because, each of those sites were corporations that are government owned and sites that provide us with daily news. 
  3. 2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
  4.     A: Yes, it was rather easy to find and subscribe to these websites. 
  5. 3. Which sites were your favorites?
  6.     A: My two favorite blogs are 'Fashion' and 'Inspirational Quotes'.
  7. 4. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
  8.     A: You may use RSS feeds on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. This allows one to share feed with their subscribers or followers. 
  9. 5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
  10.     A: As a matter of fact, I do see myself putting RSS feeds into use in the near future. I may have to share content for college purposes. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now: 11/30/15

       Thanksgiving is all about spending quality time with the ones who have made a positive impact in your life. Those people happen to include my family. My family, regardless of the things I've done, have always stuck by my side. Through times of dreary, my family has, and always will be my rock. I am incredibly grateful, for they are the ones I turn to when things are sweet or even turn sour.
       Since I've been brought into this world, my parents have done everything in their power to support my brother and I. They used each fiber in their body to set a foundation for our family. Whether it were the cooking, cleaning, working, our parents were there. Mr. and Mrs. Cangialosi are not ones to quit nor give up on their duties. I am thankful to have two parents that treat my brother and I with the love and care we need. 
        My parents are not the only ones who've provided, for my brother also plays a major part in how we pay for the bills. With my brother's kind heart, he is willing to sacrifice his paychecks, in order to assist my mom in paying the bills. Without this gracious gesture, who knows where our family would be. My brother also devotes his time to helping our father outside with the yard work. Not only does my brother assist my parents, but he also helps myself. Through my darkest, most sinister hours, my brother was/is always there. He provides me with the best advice anyone could plead for. 

Bonus: I am thankful for dog. He may not speak, but he's still an addition to the family. Animals, specially dogs, become a huge part of one's family. We all become attached, that even their losses strike us like the deaths of humans.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Eye Tribe

The Eye Tribe was founded by a Danish company that produces eye tracking technology. The marvelous new tech allows one to control their smart phones, computers, and tablets with their eyes.The Eye Tribe company are in the midst of developing their eye tracking device, in hopes that all sources of technologies will carry this software. Their goal is to make this new tech a household item and name in the technology world. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

1. Our current principle is not Dr. Sue DeNobile.
    Current: Mr. Petrocelli

2. Lunch sales went up

3. Our school is now called Wood-Ridge Junior/Senior High School

4. We don't offer girl/boy tennis

5. We no longer use The Devil's Advocate

6. Certain links do not work

7. The picture of our school is outdated

8. We provide grades 7-12

9. Our school is not 1 out of 2 in the district.
    Correct answer: 2 out 3
                   - Doyle
                   - Intermediate
                   - Wood-Ridge Junior/Senior High School

10. We no longer have golf

Wiki Dissection

  • What is the purpose of this Wiki?
  • Answer: The purpose of a wiki is to help people find information by acting like an encyclopedia. Many members of the website can come together to add or edit content that had already been present. The purpose of this wiki is to show students certain technologies that are both disruptive and innovated in the classroom.  
  • When was the last post?
  • Answer: The last comment posted was made by JSGeometry on October 31st, 2006. 
  • How was this Wiki created/designed?
  • Answer: This wiki was created and designed to inform students that technologies could have good and bad effects in the classroom. It also teaches students web terminology. (ex: Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Handhelds, etc.) 
  • What would you add to this particular wiki?
  • Answer: For each web terminology, I'd prefer if an example were shown below their descriptions. This would help students grasp a better understanding of each term. 
  • What did you learn after reading this wiki?
  • Answer: I learned the pros and cons of having certain technologies present in the classroom and new web terminology that would benefit me in future for web 2.0 class. 
  • If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
  • Answer: It'd be a pleasure to unit with my fellow peers to write a biography on Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is misunderstood to majority of people. Hence as to why this topic would help educate those who are not aware of the man Poe really was. 
  • How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
  • Answer: Wikis provide information on any topic one wishes to search about. Whether it's for academic purposes or for the pure pleasure of obtaining new information, wikis provide! 
  • Monday, November 9, 2015

    Web 2.0/Tech Lit: New Blog Post

            During our four-day recess, I had the opportunity to reflect, complete my assignments, and spend time with friends. Majority of Wednesday consumed of resting and reflection. School tires the soul, hence as to why a quick snooze was necessary. I recall awakening from my slumber from the sound of my mother's footsteps. The kitchen smelled of food and need. My mother had been feeling melancholy. In attempt to cheer her soul, I assisted with cleaning the dishes and setting the table for supper. In that very moment, my mother's entire demeanor altered. She no longer showed signs of lachrymose. It truly is astonishing how one small, yet kind, gesture could alter one's mood.
             The remaining days of my break consisted of completing my studies and spending time with close friends. One's education is extremely important and should be taken seriously. Fortunately, I had the privilege of completing the work that was assigned to me during my recess. Also, I was able to escape the pressures of school, thanks to the help of my friends. Each of us are present for when one of us are in need.

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Smart Glasses

    Developers around the world came together to work on this project that seemed so inevitable to the public. These developers have proved society wrong! In the next few years, Google will be releasing a consumer level version of Smart Glasses. Smart Glasses will be able to take photos, record videos, and much more. They will also have the ability to project images at high resolution and let one manipulate 3D objects.   

    Monday, November 2, 2015

    Educational Technology and Copyright Law

      Copyright protects a person's original work. These types of work include literary, written, dramatic, artistic, and musical. Whether it's a snap of a picture or a scribble in a notepad, his/her work is still copyrighted. Your work could be included in another person's piece, only if him/her credit you for it. Also, it is okay to use copyrighted images in school because, they're being used for educational purposes.

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Weekly Tech Article

    The Oculus Rift

    The Oculus Rift was invented by a VR enthusiast named Palmer Luckey. This new gadget allows one to experience a virtual reality. You place the helmet above the head and eyes, and suddenly, you are in a virtual world that seems so lifelike. Him/her are able to run, fight, and even fly! These are the things gamers have never done before! The Oculus Rift could be used through computers and mobile devices. 

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    Do Now 10/19

    Google Forms could be very beneficial in one's life. They are used for collecting data and distributing surveys. Also, Google Forms help people find approximate estimates.

    Wednesday, October 14, 2015

    Weekly Tech Article

    Wireless Powered Brain Implant Could Treat Depression

    Scientists have discovered that by implanting this into mice and other rodents, that the wireless powered brain stimulated each of the mice's minds. Scientists are hoping, by doing these experiments, that they will gain a better understanding of how they could treat health disorders, such as depression, on humans. 

    Tuesday, October 6, 2015

    Weekly Tech Article

    Hybrid solar roofing system 

    uses heat pipes 

    to boost efficiency

    A team of scientists from the University of London have created a hybrid system that turns a whole roof into a generator. The system consists of  PV cells, which work with the flat heat pipes present in the generator, that heat water and generate electricity. The system is currently being tested and has been proven to be working efficiently, according to Dr. Jourhara.   

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Weekly Tech Article

    Smart Houses

    We already have smart appliances in our homes, that it's only a matter of time before our homes begin to respond to our voice. We are sure to expect that in the future, each unit of our homes would be controlled by our smartphones, tablets, or computers. He/She are able to change the temperature of their thermostat, the channel on their T.V., and even have a notification sent to their phone, notifying them that the laundry is ready or that the oven is finished preheating.

    Monday, September 28, 2015

    The Adventure Blog

                    Gear Closet: Hi-Tec V-Lite Flash Force Low Hiking Shoes

    It is astonishing how far technology has come! To think that shoes have now altered so drastically shocks me. You were able to grasp what the shoe's job is and how it functions, which is tremendously important if one were wishing to purchase them. Also, you went into depth with your information, which helped to answer any concerns of mine. You've compelled me to want to purchase these shoes, which is a gift. Why? Majority of people lack the ability to speak and grasp their audiences's attention. However, you were able to grab my attention and persuade me to want to purchase these shoes. 

    Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    Weekly Tech Article

    Volvo Promises



    In the year 2020, Volvo promises to release crash-proof vehicles. Over 30,000 civilians per year die, due to automobile crashes. Hence as to why Volvo wants to insure that drivers who purchase this vehicle aren't at risk. The goal Volvo is aiming to reach is that passengers survive the gnarliest of accidents. This project is currently in progress!


    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

           Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

        English three this year is not what I expected. I recall on move-up day sitting at one of the desks in the unfamiliar classroom feeling uneasy. I've heard many stories of our soon to be English teacher. Majority of those stories held a positive outcome and important information. I've been told I would have to truly motivate myself during his course and there is no time for slacking. Anxiety washed over me! How was I supposed to excel in a class that would be a major adjustment for me, from my previous years and WRHS? The one who caused this feeling to course through me was none other than, Mr.Forman.

        Mr. Forman has been teaching at WRHS for the past nineteen years! He is well known for his involvement in English Literature and Composition. However, he has resided to teaching 11th graders the root and foundation of how American Literature prospered. Let me tell you! I have not been a student of his for long, but I've already learned skills that could benefit me tremendously in the future. We students have been given the privilege to have a teacher who is familiar on the content that is given to you in college.  Did I mention that Mr. Forman also taught at Bergen Community College?! We have already learned the grading process that majority of professors take into use and what is takes to be a good speaker. 

         Usually we think English is boring, but that depends on the teacher's ability to captivate the audience's attention. This is where acknowledging the keys to being a good speaker come into play. If your tone of voice is low, chances are your audience is more likely to zone out during your lecture, On the other hand, if you were to raise your voice, show emotion, and feel the the words you were speaking, the audience would be drawn to your voice and the emotion you show, would be mirrored back to you. Speech is about compelling, persuading, and converting.

         Everything we have learned during class has been done through technology. Mr. Forman projected power point slides, showed us resourceful videos, and even brought us to